Corona crisis: Which stocks are particularly interesting now?
Currently, the financial markets are infected by the effects of the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2). The market is in a state of sheer fear, and in times of panic the financial markets usually react with violent price fluctuations and maximum volatility.
However, the current scenario is already making history and the prices dropped within a few days, due to several successive crash events, that have caused the global indices to lose almost 40% of their value. These price losses in such a short time are unique. There is currently no end in sight. While the crisis is in full swing in Europe, it is yet to begin in the USA. Further disastrous price losses cannot be ruled out.
Particularly in such times, “Mr. Market”, in his downward pull, immensely devalues those stock prices of companies, which a few days ago were still quoted at a price that possibly corresponded to their corporate value. After the price losses of the last few days, the shares of fundamentally first-class companies are therefore very cheap. The prices of the shares are therefore to be considered undervalued.
Buy a dollar, but do not pay more than 50 cent for it.
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Corona Portfolio 2020: +108,86 %
Values as of: 07.04.2021